Full Stack Projects


Next Round's On Me

Social network where users can follow friends, check out local bars and restaurants, send friends 'rounds', and redeem 'rounds' sent to them. Architecture uses React / Redux, Express, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. Includes AWS for image hosting. All styling uses raw CSS3 to imitate Facebook styling. © March 2021.



Meetup clone focused on programmers. Architecture uses React / Redux, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL. All styling uses raw CSS3 to give a code editor / terminal feel. © February 2021


Bike Around

AirBnB clone focused on renting bicycles. Architecture uses React / Redux, Express, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. © December 2020

About Chris

Chris has a passion for building things that make the world a better place. Whether bicycles, organizations, or software, he is commited to working with mission-driven organizations to develop solutions for complex problems facing the community. As a software developer, he brings a wealth of problem solving experience developed through years of designing products and leading teams. Chris enjoys bicycling and going on adventures with his partner and two energetic puppers.
